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[FICTION] History of Naxos: The Reclamation & The Founding of The Duchy

     After nearly a century of rule, the Merchant Republic was more or less stable, but largely only concerned with its own power and internal conflicts, leaving most Naxians to fend for themselves.

    In the City of Naxos, however, the once minor Cult of Poleon had been steadily growing since the fall of the Empire, with many wanting something to latch onto in uncertain times. The militant wing of the Cult, called the Aspida, began acting as a guard for areas around Cult-held districts, angering merchant and nobles alike. But when they attempted to repudiate these fanatics, they found themselves either being boycotted or attacked by the angry mobs in the streets. When they backed off, the cult just expanded more as many began flocking to it in cities across the islands.

    When it became clear that the Cult of Poleon could not be ignored or defeated ,a Forum was called to meet with the Kiryx, the leader of the Cult, to reach an agreement. But the Kiryx only had two demands; the reinstallment of the Line of Poleon, and nothing less that total government reform, or risk another civil war. After a long, tense Forum, it was agreed that the demands would be met for the sake of stability and profit. This agreement was later called The Reclamation.

    After the agreement, the Forum & Cult of Poleon began their search for the next ruler. Many noble families sent prospective candidates, and many fell short of expectations. It wasn't until a man named Basileus of Mykonos came forward that the search ended. He was a direct descendant of Pyrhhos via his third daughter, and that line had been under the protection of the Leoi Despots ever since.

    Basileus himself was a classically trained warrior of the Leoi, and carried himself with the famous pride and presence of those peoples. With the blessing of both the Cult and Forum, Basileus was named the Heir of Poleon over 150 years after the last Tyrant passed, and collapse of the Old Empire.

    The next agenda was the reformation. After negotiations over two additional Forums, the agreement was the following; the ruling sovereign of Naxos, The Duke, would set the agenda on all domestic affairs and direct governance. Additionally, the City of Naxos would be their own direct holding. Outside the City of Naxos, the Island of Naxos would be ruled by Baronets, who answer directly to the Duke. The other individual islands would be ruled by Barons. Foreign affairs would be handled by the Despot Council, made up of the Barons, and headed by the Demoarch, which would be elected by the Despot Council from a member of the nobility of any status, to serve for a period of ten years.

    Since the reformation, the Duchy has proved to be much more stable than its precursors, and has brought both pride and wealth to Naxos. The problems that once plagued the islands have, for the most part, been tamed. Piracy and corruption remain, but they are no where near the terrors they once were.

    It has been nearly five-hundred years since the Duchy was formed, and Naxos has once again become a global power in both trade and might. While it can no longer field immense legions, the Naxian Navy can project power nearly anywhere. Indeed, the Navy has has been so effective at anti-piracy actions that the Lords of the Long Shore have frequently asked for aid from the Despot Council against their own pirates and raiders, which has proven quite lucrative. Naxos has not forgotten its past; for the last 75 years, it has waged a war of conquest in Thrace to reclaim old imperial territory. The various republics and kingdoms fight Naxos, and each other, meanwhile the Azraqi Princes do what they can to turn that northern land into a greater quagmire to drain and distract their ancient Naxian foes. The Cult of Poleon is now the Synodic Church of Poleon, and is the official religion of the Duchy, with the Kiryx holding a ceremonial Baronet. 

    The current Duke of Naxos is His Grace Leander Anastasios Basileus, who has reigned just over three years. The current Demoarch is Danae Helen Thalia Basileus-- the Duke's elder sister. The two have a tense relationship. She is in here fourth year of office.

This concludes the section on Naxian history! In the next section, we will begin looking at Naxian geography, and how it has influenced culture and the people-- but that is something to look forward to in 2024!


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