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[FICTION] The Tin Knight

     "You're all that's left?" Aqil al-Azazil asked incredulously. The night before, a encampment of mercenaries was before him, but when he emerged from his caravan, all but the scrawny man before him had gone. The Ragged Hounds, the mercenaries in question, were ones he had bought before he left his home far to the east. They were to be his way of restoring his fortune, but now instead, they have only added to his loss by desertion.

    Aqil cleared his throat, and addressed the young man in front of him; young, of dark hair, but sunken eyes of someone much, much older. "I commend you on your loyalty and dedication to your employer, good sir! Surely this speaks much to your integrity of your character" Aqil said in a commanding voice, fit for stage.

"Mister, I don't know what those words mean. The old boss just said that you were the boss now" the younger man said. Aqil's eye twitched. "Good sir, may I ask your name?" he asked politely. "Ezekiel", the response was, "though they used to just call me Zeke". "Well, 'Zeke', my friend, I thank you. Now, if you would please move your tent and possessions closer, we may make this look like a proper camp" Aqil stated with the authority of a man whose entire company had not abandoned him the night before. 

    While Zeke tended to the order given to him, Aqil turned to his travelling companions who had accompanied him till now from his home in Azraq. "While this fellow is doing this, I would ask you to assist me in other crucial matters" he began, "Yasir, please go to the main encampment and inform the commander there that these Ragged Hounds cannot complete their service as agreed, as they are honorless.... eh, dogs, and have abandoned their leader. Now, go!" he shooed his servant away. "And you two" he turned and said to his two bodyguards, Salil and Sava, "You two keep a lookout" he spoke dismissively. "Look out for what, Master exil-- I mean, al-Azazil?" Salil blurted out. Aqil shot him a sharp look, "For anything, just go."

    While the others worked, Aqil ran through the events of the day before, wracking his mind trying to see where it was clear that something was amiss. Surely, he had just missed it. He had his small entourage arrived to the camp of the Ragged Hounds, on the edge of the greater war camp of the Kingdom of Dunbar. He then went straight to the tent of the now-former commander, a older gentleman called Rendell. Perhaps it was hindsight, but Aqil now remembered the looks of disdain by the others present when he pulled the document of sale, reminding Rendell of his agreement. He remembered the look on Rendell's face go from shock, to anger, then another expression altogether.

    Time passed, and Yasir had not yet returned. The four remaining in the small camp sat in somewhat an awkward silence, when Sava hit Salil then pointed toward the road, causing the other two to look as well. The Ragged Hounds approached their former campsite, with Rendell at their head, who called out in a hoarse voice "Thank you for the coin Azraqi, but the Hounds are mine." "Zeke, kill the fop" he said as if of no consequence.

    "I'm sorry Captain Rendell" Zeke said flatly and calmly "You said he was the boss now", and rose, grabbing his sword. "You always were a simple kid, however strong-- boys, you know what to do", Rendell retorted as the Ragged Hounds slowly advanced. "Sweet Anshar, Sava and Salil! Zeke! I'll run to the main camp, just hold them!" Aqil screamed as he was already running. The bodyguards looked in confused outrage at their fleeing employer, then looked at the other direction to see the Hounds looking more and more concerned as Zeke approached.

    Aqil heard the sounds of combat beginning as he fled, cursing under his breath. He was sure that he would be safe when he reached the main camp, and then he could return the triumphant hero with help. He tripped and fell to the ground in a tumble. He looked frantically to see what he tripped on, only to see that it was the remains of Yasir, the servant he sent earlier. Unable to justify taking the time to stop further, he scrambled to his feet, just in time to see two Ragged Hounds approach him. In a rare move for himself, he said nothing and drew his jambiya, and braced himself to defend. The two attackers struck as if to taunt and bait Aqil into attacking, but he showed patience instead. An opportunity came when one of the Hounds stumbled after a deflect, and Aqil rushed into him, plunging his dagger several times in rapid succession. The stabbed man backed away in shock, before falling over. "Ah ha!" Aqil cried triumphantly, when the remaining assailant crashed his mace into the shoulder of his target, making a loud crunch. Aqil cried in pain and shock, but rushed the other man before he could swing again, stabbing only once into his gut, and drawing a long and terrible wound. Sure that he was finished, he turned and ran, hearing the thud behind him.

    Aqil ran into the camp, only stopped by the guards when they saw a man covered in blood frantically approach. "I need to see your commander!" Aqil shouted "there's been a mutiny!". The two guards looked and shrugged, and took the panicking man to the lieutenant commander. A quick walk to the tent, and Aqil begins to messily explain the events thus far to the officer. "Aqil, is it?" the lieutenant commander began "The things you are saying are serious indeed, but we need that record of sale." "L-look" Aqil stammered out "regardless of my claim of ownership, infighting would still be a reason to step in, correct?" "A fair point" the officer agreed, "Alright, gather up a few dozen and let's see what is going on".

Aqil and the soldiers marched back to the campsite of the Ragged Hounds, which was eerily quiet. A gruesome sight was beheld upon arrival; the entirety of Rendell's force lay dead, with only Zeke left standing, blood and gore covering his rough iron armor which was dented and pockmarked like old tin. "Zeke?" Aqil began, "did you do all of this?" He asked while cautiously approaching. "Yes Mister Aqil" Zeke replied as calmly as ever, as the soldiers looked on in horror. It was then that Sava and Salil emerged from behind the caravan, only after deeming it safe to come out. The officer ordered the soldiers to question the two bodyguards, and to keep an eye on Zeke, while he and Aqil looked over the record of sale.

"As you can see good sir" Aqil said after some time, "I did in fact purchase the company of the Ragged Hounds, and then they mutinied, leaving only myself, my bodyguards, and my new frightening friend over there as members. It is because of that I would as for a release of service, as we will not be able to perform the duties first agreed upon" he finished conciliatorily. "Master Aqil, I hear what you are saying, but your subordinate over there just single-handedly fought and defeated an entire company of fighters by himself. No, you may not be able to perform regular duties, but I am sure the commander can think of something for one such as him." Aqil's eye twitched. 


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