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Showing posts from April, 2024

[FICTION] Portrait of A Man

    In the eastern part of the land once called the United Kingdom of Alleghany, a dry grassland stretches as far as the eye can see, and as everyone knows, anything you can see over but not the other side of may as well be infinite. These old rolling hills have seen the dawn of the Old Kingdoms, the wars of unification, with their knights and lords, as well as the recent modern conflicts with mechanized tanks and orderly regiments of an industrialized nation. Few people have ever called this land home, but for those who do, they know that their proximity to the borderlands lend to their generally precarious life.     It is here that lies the township of Munro Ford, upon the humble banks of an eponymous river, which permitted such a town existing in the first place. The folks here live a simple country life in their town and surrounding hills, where the sea of amber grass hits the mighty walls of ancient craggy brown stone that marks the edges of the old dominion of the Marcher Lords t

[FICTION] The Merry Merchant

     Merric tied down the last line, cinching the tarp tightly with his right hand. This had taken longer than it otherwise would have, but what could be done when working with only one arm? The winds had been furious the last few days he had been on the road, constantly disturbing and loosening the line securing his "stock", and frightening Holly, his ever-loyal donkey.     He had fled the Central Kingdoms, Whiteton specifically. He had ran a small arcane supply store, but after several bad seasons, his debts were called in, which he could not pay. So, he liquidated everything as fast as he could, loaded all he owned into a small two-wheeled rickshaw, and promptly left without a word.      Merric had set off to the east, where he heard a war was brewing, and war meant soldiers , and soldiers needed to buy things . His grand plan was to peddle enough items, at wildly inflated prices, to hopefully start again. Another shop, somewhere. He had zero stakes in whatever nonsense w

[FICTION] Tales from Port Astor | Whispers 7

 "Hello caller, you're on the air..." "They are out there, you know. They've been here for years, longer than us to be sure." "Now, among the red towers of brick and neon, concrete and glass, they emerge from the deep-dark. Hundreds, thousands, maybe more, come forth as legion. They come, however disjointed, they remain unified in spirit." "What are their goals? Nightly, they move from neighborhood to neighborhood, victim to victim, engaging in ten-thousand guerilla actions. Clad in their domino masks and black gloves, none know whom specifically, but there is little doubt in general." "And what happens when you confront them? Dead eyes shine in the dark, reflecting only that light they steal from the world. No emotion, but equally no peace." "Today, the naïve are unaware of the danger that pervades this city, their families, their own lives. Do they not think that the ambitions of these thieves does not rise higher? Higher

[FICTION] The Lady of Selburne

      The rain pounded down thick and sharp, like the volley of an enemy force. Lady Matilda Bathurst of Selburne rode atop her armored steed, which moved at the head of the marching column. Her forces were supposed to have set out for the Dunbari camp over a fortnight ago, and she wore her displeasure openly upon her face.     This was hardly her first time leading her forces, and had in fact done so many times in war, but this time felt different. For most of her life she had led soldiers in the civil war that had consumed her family lands, fighting her own kin and countrymen for years, and always effectively, efficiently. This, however, was the first time she led her army on behalf of another realm, and the managing of logistics and supply proved hectic and sprawling.     And, now, here they were; travelling well past the end of travelling season, laden with supplies. There had already been minor battles with the Anlari, and many skirmishes beside those. With it all in full swing, s

Author Diary April 4th, 2024

Hey Everyone, Spring is upon on us, and Guest Writer Month is behind us! A final thank you to everyone who submitted, and I look forward to the next one! It's always exciting to know that a bunch of new eyes and brains came by to check out their friend's work, and then maybe looked at some other pieces! If you have anything you'd like to submit for next years Guest Writer Month, please feel free to reach out to me via email ( If I get enough interest and submissions, I might figure out a sooner date. As you may now, we are now in the second anniversary month for Roll for Writing! The first written piece for the month drop this coming Saturday, but it's not the first thing to come out-- if you haven't been following this on social media, I recently also released the first Roll for Writing Presents over on the new YouTube channel, which you can go to here! There will be new short stories every weekend for this month, and then I will be taki