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Showing posts from February, 2024

[FICTION] The Geography of Naxos: The Barony of Ieraklea

      The second largest island in the Duchy, Ieraklea is perhaps the most specialized of any territory found across the islands in that a majority of the land is used for farming, as it has the only largescale portions of arable land found anywhere in the Duchy. Outside of Dino, the capitol, rice paddies and fields of barley stretch as far as the eye sees.     Agriculture is the dominant industry in Ieraklea, and a majority of harvests are sent directly to Poleons' City. There is a history of maltreatment on the island; with everything dedicated to farming, finding suitable workers has always been an issue. So, the former Despots, now Barons, have relied on slave labor in the forms of prisoners or indentured minorities to meet demands.     Farther away from Dino, similar to Mykonos, enormous fields roll on; some portions of the island are left intentionally un-farmed, as to provide an area of land to rotate to as to not completely exhaust the soil. Further southwest, the plains ar

[FICTION] The Geography of Naxos: Keros

      Once the site of the first human habitation in the islands, Keros was blasted into a craggy wasteland at the start of the Tauromachy. Today, the only people who live here all year is the garrison and staff of Alasiofos, the training fortress and headquarters of the Naxian Marines & Navy.     Alasiofos' main citadel lies atop the seaward cliffs, fortified with magic to prevent collapse. The citadel itself is divided between the two forces, and both have been tailored to the needs of each. The complex itself is labyrinthian in size and complexity of navigation.     Beyond the walls, Keros supports next to nothing that would be called life. Indeed, the terrain is so unforgiving that as part of final testing, Naxian marines must survive a fortnight as a unit out in the wastes, living being the only standard of success.     The "Baron" of Keros is the title given to who ever is assigned as the master of Alasiofos, and does not have voting powers on the Despot Council

[FICTION] The Geography of Naxos: The Leoi Lands / The Barony of Mykonos

      The ancestral homelands of the Leoi, the island of Mykonos is a dramatic landscape of expansive rolling grasslands, lush jungle, and sharp grey peaks overlooking the sea.     The only permanent settlement, O Protos, lies on the north shore, where the plains meet the sea. This "city" exists as a complex to house the Baron of Mykonos, and to host the visiting bands when they visit, or at the annual meeting when the various leaina decide matters for all Leoi.     The plains of Mykonos, ironically, are some of the most fertile farmland anywhere in the Duchy, which for strict carnivores such as the Leoi who subsist off of hunting, fishing, and very limited herding, does little good. As such, these rich grasslands remain largely undisturbed.      To the western portions of the island is a track of jungle; unlike other islands, these trees hold religious significance to the Leoi, as only leaina may enter as part of their coming-of-age rituals, or during certain lunar events. 

[FICTION] The Geography of Naxos: The Barony of Thera

      South of Naxos lies the Island of Thera; a ring of land that surrounds a large deep-water lagoon. Like Kythnos, the island is divided into grassy hills and jungle. Unlike Kythnos, both sections are thoroughly populated by Naxians.      The northern parts are entirely consumed by the town of Ormos, but that does not mean it is a hive of activity. Ormos is a well-spread out town, with entire fields between single houses in some areas. Closer to the lagoon shore, it becomes tighter, but still nowhere near as hectic and crowded as other Naxian cities.     The southern jungle is also well settled, with well-worn foot paths connecting various homes and villas.     The major place of interest in Thera is the lagoon, which is the nearest deep-water port to Naxos, and is often the first or second stop for foreign traders, who often seek to unload and sell whatever did not sell in Poleons' City. Other than economics, the deep lagoon is also of interest to the Triton, who can sometimes