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Showing posts from January, 2024

[FICTION] The Geography of Naxos: The Barony of Kythnos

      The island immediately to the east of Naxos, Kythnos is separated by a narrow, shallow channel that can sometimes be entirely exposed during extreme tidal events.  The island itself is divided into two distinct regions; the rolling grassland of the north, and the dense jungle of the lower.     Most of the population, like in its counterpart of Poleons' own city, reside in the major city of Avgi, on its northernmost shore. Most of the people here are directly tied to the vast shipyards there, which is where a large portion of Naxian vessels are built, as well as a major port for the Naxian Navy.      Outside of Avgi, the grasslands are unsettled, with the exception of a small number of goat-herding families that claim historical rights to roam the plains in their nomadic life. Like most of the Duchy, the soil here is largely unsuitable for farming.     To the south, the jungle claims much of the land. Unlike Naxos, these forests are avoided, as they have a strong connection to

[FICTION] The Geography of Naxos: The Isle of Naxos

      Separate from its namesake, the Isle of Naxos is the largest across the archipelago that makes up the Duchy, with a majority of non-urban Naxians living upon it.      The northern section of Naxos is dry and craggy, baked under the hot dry air that flows south. Few towns can be found here, with all of them on the coast. What is prominent here are the legendary  vineyards that grow the grapes for fine and potent Naxian Wine.     The southern portion of Naxos is dominated by dense jungles, covering the land from the Talos Mountains to the gentle sandy shores. Lumber is a key industry here, but you won't find the famous Naxian Oak, which only grows in The Donusians, but you will find a variety of robust hardwood used in construction across the islands. There are a fair number of fishing villages, which like in the north part of the island, are depended upon for providing the basis of Naxian diet.     Lastly, in the center of the island forming the spine running from east to west

[FICTION] The Geography of Naxos: Aegos

 Authors Note: Welcome to part one of the Naxian Geography module! We'll be doing this as a sort of weekly primer, with each entry covering a specific island/area.     Before the Tauromachy, the island of Aegos was the center of Minotaur civilization, and was heavily cultivated. It was said that the whole island was a patchwork of beautiful gardens, filling in spaces between pre-historic temples and shrines with lush verdant life. After the war, however, the plant life had became darkened and warped; alien flora had replaced the native plant life. When Poleon took Aegos, he ordered the whole of the island salted and burned.     Even over a thousand years later, the island that modern Naxos sits upon has not recovered. The soil is dry, sandy, and often flies away when a strong breeze blows. Absolutely nothing will grow naturally on the island. Any garden in the city will have to rely on imported soil, intense management, and absolutely avoiding contact with the local soil.     That

Author Diary | January 6th 2024

 Hello everyone, Happy New Year! Here's hoping that 2024 is gentle upon us all, and the relevant gods have mercy upon our souls. Some programming notes I wanted to share with you all; starting next Saturday, the next module on Naxos will begin dropping-- this time covering the geography of the islands! I'm hoping to have a map done that will help picture this country that we are becoming so familiar with! That'll be done, as soon as I find the will to live find the time to finish making the thing. Another thing I wanted to announce is that I am going to start a non-fiction project in earnest! Starting at some point this month, and dropping monthly until the end of the year; The Many Saints of Portland! This examination series will focus on important persons who either were founders of my hometown, or those who left an indelible mark upon it. Look for that over the next few weeks! For those worried about short story content; one of the reasons I am working on the above two